Slavo-orientalia. Band II
Monographienreihe über die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der slavischen und orientalischen Welt



Nomads, Northmen and Slavs. Eastern Europe in the ninth century


Imre Boba


Mouton, The Hague

Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1967

Scans in .pdf format (30.1 Mb)


Table of contents  —  Editor’s Preface; Acknowledgements


1. The role of the Dnieper river in the early history of Eastern Europe

“Put’ iz Variag v Greki”  —  Theories based on the Annales Bertiniani  —  The testimony of Muslim sources  —  Byzantine sources and the Russian Primary Chronicle  —  The role of the Nomads


2. Pax Chazarica

Nomadic state formations in Europe (sixth to ninth century)  —  The Avars and the Slavs  —  Origins of Kiev


3. The Khazars and the eastern Slavs

The chronology of the tributary affiliation of the Slavs  —  The testimony of Muslim sources  —  The forms and extent of the affiliation


4. End of the Pax chazarica

The fortress of Sarkel on the Don  —  The Proto-Hungarians in the Pontic steppes


5. The Onogurs in the ninth century

The evidence of Byzantine and western sources  —  The evidence of Muslim sources


6. The Majghari in Eastern Europe

Theories of the origin of the Magyars (i.e., Hungarians)  —  A new approach to the controversy; a theory of a Meshcher - Majghari continuity  —  Meshchers and the Rus center of 'Artha'


7. The invitation of the Ruses

The terms ‘Varangian’ and ‘Rus’  —  The historicity of the ‘Invitation’  —  The chronology of the ‘Invitation’


8. Eastern Europe after 850

The geopolitical situation  —  Askold and Dir in Kiev  —  The Ruses: Varangians and Autochthons  —  The Ruses of Oleg and the Slavs


9. Nomads, Northmen and the Slavs


    Index of Geographic, Ethnic and Personal names; Sources and Authorities


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