From: "I.Vitanov" <eswak@csv.warwick.ac.uk>
Subject: How Ohrid saved 25 Bulgarian P.O.W's in October of 1944
Date: 07 Nov 1997 00:00:00 GMT
Organization: University of Warwick
Newsgroups: alt.news.macedonia,soc.culture.bulgaria
Kosta Tsurnushanov (1903-1997), was born in the town of Prilep, in Vardar Macedonia, in the
year of the Ilinden uprising. He was a friend of the novelist Dimitar Talev, also from Prilep.
Tsurnushanov was a contemporary of all the significant events which took place in Macedonia
during the early half of this century. He witnessed the initial euphoria of most of the Macedonian
population at the prospect of its liberation at the beggining of the first balkan war and its tragedy
when most of Macedonia found itself under a new foreign yoke following WW1 - so he was well
acqainted with the Macedonian reality before 1944. Tsurnushanov was a member of MMTRO, the
youth organisation of VMRO, which can boast among its members such prominent Macedonian
revolutionaries as Giuzelov, Chkatrov - a close associate of Todor Alexandrov, and so on. He
moved to Sofia in the late 1930's and went back to Macedonia as a school inspector in the period
1941-44, and then again returned to Sofia. It is interesting that he has been at odds with all Bulgarian
governments which have been in power during the time he has lived in Bulgaria.. . .
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Край телените мрежи и вълчи ями при Девебаир
1. Йордан Чкатров 2. Гена Велева
3. Коста Църнушанов - с поглед към поробената родина - 1932
On-line статия и повече информация за Коста Църнушанов:Българомразието е отцеругателство - Коста Църнушанов
"Македония", 21 юни 1994 г.ПОЧИТ: Коста Църнушанов
"Македония", бр. 28, 15 юли 1998 г.Хърватско и Коста Църнушанов
"Македония", бр. 29, 22 юли 1998 г.