A History of Christianity in the Balkans. A study in the spread of Byzantine culture among the Slavs

Matthew Spinka




I. Sources

II. General Works

III. General Works on Bulgaria

IV. General Works on Serbia, Bosnia, and Hum


I. Sources


Anna Comnena, Alexias. In Migne, PG., Vol. CXXXI; translated by Elizabeth A. C. Dawes, The Alexiad. London, 1928.


Constantine Porhyrogenitus, De administrando imperio. In Migne, PG., Vol. CXIII. Paris, 1864.


Domentiyan, Zhitie svyatykh serhskykh prosvetitelei, Symeona i Savvy. Ed. by Cyril Zhivković, Paris, 1858.


Fermendžin, E., Acta Bosnae, potissimum ecclesiastica. In Monumenta spectantia historiam Slavorum meridionalium, Vol. XXIII. Zagreb, 1892.


Jaffé, P., Regesta pontificum Romanonim ab condita ecelesia ad annum post Christum natum 1198. 2d ed., 2 vols. Leipzig, 1885-88.


Jordanes, Romana et Getica. Ed. by Theo. Mommsen. In Monumenta Germaniae historica, Vol. V, Berlin, 1882. Translated by C. C. Mierow, The Origin and Deeds of the Goths. Princeton, 1908.


Kalužniacki, E., Werke des Patriarchen von Bulgarien, Euthemius. Wien, 1901.


Liudprand, bp. of Cremona, Works. Transl. by F. A. Wright, New York, 1930.


Mansi, J. D., Sacrorum conciliorum collectio. 50 vols. Paris, 1901-.


Migne, J. P., Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Graeca. 161 vols. Paris, 1857-66; Series Latina. 217 vols. Paris, 1878-90.


Miklosich, F. von, Monumenta Serbica, spectantia historiam Serbiae, Bosnae, Ragusii. Vindobonae, 1858.


Miklosich, F. von and Muller, J., Acta et diplomata graeca medii aevi sacra et profana. Tom. I-II: Acta patriarchatus Constantinopolitani. Vindobonae, 1860-62.


Monumenta Germaniae historica. Ed. by G. H. Pertz and others. Hanover and Berlin, 1826-.


Niebuhr, B. G. and others, (editors), Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae. 50 vols. Bonn, 1828-97.


Novaković, S., Zakonik Stefana Dushana, tsara Srpskog, 1394 i 1354. Beograd, 1898.


Paulus Diaconus, Historia Longobardorum. Ed. by L. Bethmann and G. Waitz, in MGS., Scriptores rerum Longobardorum; translated by W. J. Foulke, History of the Longobards. Philadelphia, 1907.


Popruzhenko, M. G., Sinodik tsarya Borila. Sofia, 1928.


Popruzhenko, M. G., Sv. Kozmy prezvitera Slovo na eretiki. St. Petersburg, 1907.


Potthast, A., Regesta pontificum Romanorum inde ab anno 1198 ad annum 1304. 2 vols. Berlin, 1874-75.


Procopius of Caesarea, History of the Wars. Tr. by H. B. Dewing, in Loeb Classical Library. 5 vols. London, 1914-.


Šafarik, P. J., Památky dřevního písemnictví Jihoslovanův. Praha, 1851.


Thalloczy, L. de, Jireček, C., and Sufflay E. de, Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis illustrantia. Vol. I. Vindobonae, 1913.


Theiner, A., Vetera monumenta historica Hungariam sacram illustrantia. 2 vols. Romae, 1859-60.







Theiner, A., Vetera monumenta Slavorum meridionalium. 2 vols. Romae, 1863.


Teodorov-Balan, A., Kiril i Metodi, Vol. I, Sofia, 1920.


Theophanes, Chronographia. Ed. by I. Bekker, in Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae, Vol. XXXIII. BONN, 1838.


Thomas, archidiaconus Spalatensis, Historia Salonitanorum pontificum atque Spalatensium. In Monumenta historiae Slavorum meridionalium. Vol. XXVI. Agram, 1894.


Yanich, V., and Hankey, C. P., Lives of the Serbian Saints. London, 1921.


Zachariae von Lingenthal, K. E., Imp. Justiniani Novellae. Leipzig, 1881-84.


Zigabenus, E., Panoplia dogmatica. In Migne, PG., Vol. CXXX.



II. General Works


Bury, J. B., History of the Later Poman Empire (395-565.) London, 1923.


Bury, J. B., History of the Eastern Poman Empire (803-867). London, 1912.


Bury, J. B., The Early History of the Slavonic Settlements in Dalmatia, Croatia, and Serbia, London, 1920.


Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. VII: The Eastern Poman Empire. New York, 1923.


Dvornik, F., Les Slaves, Byzance et Pome au IXe siécle, Paris, 1926.


Farlati, Illyricum sacrum. 8 vols. 1751-1815.


Florinsky, T., Yuzhnye Slovyane i Vizantiya vo vtoroi chetverti XIV veka. 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1882.


Krumbacher, K., Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur (537-1453). 2d ed. Munich, 1897.


Golubinsky, E., Kratki ocherk istorii pravoslavnykh tserkvei, bolgarskoi, serbskoi, i rumynskoi. Moscow, 1871.


Murko, M., Geschichte der aeltesten südslavischen Literaturen. Leipzig, 1908.


Niederle, L., Slovanské starožitnosti. Vols. I-IV. Praha, 1900-24.


Schlumberger, G. L., L’épopée byzantine a la fin du dixiéme siécle. 3 vols. Paris, 1896-29.


Vasiliev, A. A., History of the Byzantine Empire. 2 vols. Madison, Wis., 1928-29.


Zeiller, J., L’empire romain et l’église. Paris, 1928.


Zeiller, J., Les origines Chrétiennes dans la province romaine de Dalmatie. Paris, 1906.


Zeiller, J., Les origines Chrétiennes dans les provinces Danubiennes. Paris, 1918.



III. General Works on Bulgaria


Blagoev, N. P., Besedata na presviter Kozma protiv Bogomilite. Sofia, 1923.


Blagoev, N. P., Pravni i sotsialni v’zgledi na Bogomilite. Sofia, 1919.


Bl'gariya 1000 godini, 937-1937. Sofia, 1930.


Gelzer, H., Der Patriarchat von Achrida. Leipzig, 1902.


Georghieff, S., Les Bogomiles et Presbyter Kosma. Lausanne, 1902.


Hýbl, F., Dějiny národa bulharského. 2 vols. Praha, 1930.


Ivanov, Yor., Bogomilski knigi i legendi. Sofia, 1925.


Kiselkov, V. S., Slavyanskite prosvetiteli Kiril i Metodii, zhivot i deinost. Sofia, 1923.


Klincharov, I. G., Pop Bogomil i negovo vreme. Sofia, 1927.


Badchenko, K. F., Peligioznoe i literaturnoe dvizhenie v Bolgarii.


Runciman, S., A History of the First Bulgarian Empire. London, 1930.


Snegarov, I., Istoriya na Okhridskata arkhiepiskopiya. Vol. I. Sofia, 1924.





Snopek, F., Konstantinus-Cyrillus und Methodius, die Slaven-apostel. Kremsier, 1911.


Snopek, F., Die Slavenapostel. Kremsier, 1918.


Tsukhlev, D., Istoriya na B’lgarsjata ts’rkva. Vol. I. Sofia, 1910.


Undolsky, V. M., Kliment, episkop slovyenskii. Moscow, 1896.


Zlatarsky, Y. N., Istoriya na B’lgarskata d’rzhava pres srednite vekove. Vol. 12, Sofia, 1927.



IV. General Works on Serbia, Bosnia, and Hum


Burković, T. J., Khilandar u doba Nemanyicha. Beograd, 1925.


Dimitrijevi, St. M., Istorija Pechske patrijarshije. Beograd, 1904.


Hudal, A., Die serbisch-orthodoxe Nationalkirche. Graz und Leipzig, 1922.


Ilarion, Bishop, Iz istorije Pechske patrijarshije. Sr. Karlovtsi, 1931.


Jireček, K. J., Geschichte der Serben. 2 vols. Gotha, 1911-18. Vol. 3 published in French under the title: La civilisation Serbe au moyen age. Paris, 1920. The entire work in four volumes published only in Serbian, Istorija Srba. Beograd, 1923.


Jireček, K. J., Die Handelstrassen und Bergwerke von Serbien und Bosnien waehrends des Mittelalters. Prag, 1916.


Klaić, V., Povjest Bosne. Zagreb, 1882; also in German, Geschichte Bosnien von den aeltesten Zeiten bis sum Verfalle des Koenigreiches. Leipzig, 1885.


Klaić, V., Povjest Hrvata. 3 vols. Zagreb, 1899-1911.


Laskaris, M., Visantiske printseze u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji. Beograd, 1926.


Marković, V., Pravoslavno monashtvo u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji. Sr. Karlovtsi, 1920.


Miller, W., Essays on the Latin Orient. Cambridge, 1921.


Šišič, F. von, Geschichte der Kroaten. Vol. I. Zagreb, 1917.


Bački, F., Bogomili i Patareni. In Rad jugoslovenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Vols. 7, 9, 10. Zagreb, 1869-70.


Stanojević, St., Istorija srpskoga naroda. 3d ed. Beograd, 1926.


Stanoyevich, M. S., Early Jugoslav Literature (1000-1800). New York, 1922.


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