Bulgaria during the Second World War

Marshall Lee Miller


Reference Matter



Complete authors’ names, titles, and publication data are given in the Bibliography. Personal interviews in Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, and the United States helped me to fill in some missing details and provided unique pictures of the wartime situation. In Bulgarian archival citations in the Notes, I have abbreviated papka, opis, and poreden pap., op., and por., respectively. In addition, I have used the following abbreviations throughout the Notes.


AMVnshR — Arhiv na Ministerstvoto na Vunshnite Raboti (Archives of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry)


AMVtrR — Arhiv na Ministerstvoto na Vutreshnite Raboti (Archives of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry)


BIN — Bulletin of International News


DAI — Deutsches Ausland-Institut, German Federal Archives, Coblenz. DAI-808 is entitled “Bulgarien 1940”; DAI-879 “Bulgarien 1941-” Both contain collections of clippings about Bulgaria from various newspapers.


DBA — Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives), Coblenz


DBFP — Documents on British Foreign Policy


DDI — I Documenti Diplomatici Italiani


DGFP — Documents on German Foreign Policy


DNB — Deutsche Nachtrichtenbüro (the official German news agency)


DOS — Department of State, United States


FO — Foreign Office, Great Britain


FRUS — Foreign Relations of the United States


IMT — International Military Tribunal


KTB — Kriegstagebücher (war diaries)


OKH — Oberkommando des Heeres (German Army High Command)





OKW —  Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Armed Forces High Command)


RGMA —  Reports of the German Military Advisers in Bulgaria


RSHA — Reichssicherheitshauptamt (State Security Agency)


SD-Ber. — Sicherheitsdienst Berichte (State Security Service Intelligence Reports)


SSF — Staatssekretär Files of the German Foreign Office


TsDIA — Tsentralen durzhaven istoricheski arhiv (Central State Historical Archives, Bulgaria)


XXV-NS — Stenografski dnevnitsi na XXV-to Obiknoveno narodno subranie (stenographic reports of the 25th Narodno Subranie, Bulgaria)


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