1. The abbreviation VMRO somethimes in English literature is translated IMRO (Internal Macedonian evolutionary Organization) It was first established in 1893 under the name of Bulgarian Macedono-Odrin Revolutionary Committee. Later it was renamed VMORO, and after that VMRO.

2. Ljubco Georgievski - "Who should be reconciled with whom" - Skopje 1994.

3. Constitution of Republic of Macedonia , Skopje 1991

4. VMRO (obedineta), vol. I, p. 131 Skopje 1991

5. Stojan Novakovic - Culturo-Social Connections of the Macedonians with Serbia throughout XIX Century, Skopje 1960 p.178

6. After Ivan (Vancho) Mihailov 1896-1990 A Macedonian revolutionary who always emphasized his Bulgarian ethncity.

7. A pejorative term used by the oficial Macedonian propaganda to describe the Macedonians with Bulgarian ethnic consciousness According to the rerime, while the historical VMORO was supposedly struggling for the emancipation of the Macedonian ethnic group, the 'vrhovists' of the Vrhoven Makedono-Odrinski Komitet (Suprime Macedono-Odrin Committee) est. in1895 in Sofia were trying to assimilate the Macedonians into the Bulgarian ethnic group. Yet there is no evidence that the historical VMORO had any different views from thos of the vrhovists regarding the ethnic character of the Macedonian slavs. The challenge made by the present chairman of VMRO DPMNE Ljubco Georgievski to the Macedonist historians to point to a single letter, a single newspaper polemique, or whatever between the Vrhovists and VMORO from the older generations in which they express different opinions about the nationality of the main ethnic group in Macedonia, its language, the Orthodox Church to which it should adhare, or the alphabet that should it should use, remains unanswered.

8. Macedonian Tribune, vol. 3148, June 17, 1993, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

9. Nova Makedonija, Skopje, November 29, 1991

10. From the same newspaper, June 5, 1992

11. From the same newspaper, August 7, 1992

12. In the Bulgarian name system the surnames derived from the name of the father or a forefather usually end on -ov or -ev (-ova and -eva for the women - Delchev, Gruev et c.). Most of the names ending on -ski or -shki (-ska and -shka for the women), are derived from the name of the birthplace . (Slivenski, Veleshki et c.) Since the macedonists wanted to present many Bulgarian historical figures as ethnic "Macedonians", they could not invent en entirely new name system. Yet they decided that the quite rare double ending of -ovski, or -evsky (-ovska and -evska) sounds more "Macedonian" and should become the most common ending. After 1944 many people were forced to change the endings of their surnames. In some regions more zealous macedonists forced people even to drop the letter "v" which sounded too Bulgarian to them. This way the completely unknown until than endings of -oski and -eski (-oska and -eska) were created.

13. Macedonian Tribune, vol. 3083, November 29, 1990

14. Vecher, Skopje, August 19, 1994

15. The same material

16. Macedonian Tribune, New International Edition, issue II, vol. 7, January 1993

17. Fokus, Skopje, December 8, 1995

18. The artificial language problem, insisted on by Skopje, sometimes takes comical forms. An article, under the name of "Oh, if it would be Kljusev" says: "During the official visit of the Bulgarian Prime-Minister to our country, Mr Branko Tsrvenkovski, together with his Bulgarian colleague Berov, at one time were communicating without an interpreter. That was personally anounced by Mr. Berov on Macedonian television and, imagine, the Macedonian television took no notice and made no comment. Apparently Macedonian television considers the fact that the Prime-Minister Tsrvenkovski knows Bulgarian a matter of national pride" (Delo, number 2, p. 5, Skopje, June 11, 1993). Of course the Bulgarian language spoken by the Prime-Minister Tsrvenskovski, was the language he spoke every day known in the Republic as Macedonian language.

19. Delo, n. 139, p. 15, Skopje, January 6, 1996

20. Macedonian Tribune, vol. 3135, December 17, 1992

21. The same material, New International Edition, issue II, vol. 7, January 1993

22. Macedonia, issue 46, Sofia, November 20, 1992

23. Macedonian Tribune, vol. 3131, October 22, 1992

24. Delo, vol. 146, p. 8, Skopje, March 15, 1996

25. The same material, p. 20

26. The same material, vol. 147, p. 20, Skopje, March 22, 1996

27. Puls, vol. 256, Skopje, December 15, 1995

28. Koha Jon, Tirana, November 20, 1996

29. Macedonian Tribune, New International Edition, issue III, vol. 12, October 1994

30. Macedono-Bulgarian Review "Vardar", year 3, issue 7, p. 68, Toronto 1996

31. Delo, vol. 0, p. 6, Skopje, May 14, 1993

32. The same material, vol. 142, p. 45, February 16, 1996

33. The same material, vol. 147, p. 22, Skopje, March 22, 1996