Macedonia and Bulgarian National Nihilism
Ivan Alexandrov

Introduction ................................................ 1
1. Important Periods ................................... 4
2. The Territory .......................................... 7
3. The Ethnic Composition .......................... 8
4. The Language ......................................... 9
5. The Bulgarian National Concept ............ 11
6. Vrhovism .............................................. 14
7. The Right and Left Wings of MLM ........ 17
8. The Bulgarian Wars ............................... 19
9. The Insurrections ................................... 24
10. The Nature of IMRO .......................... 26
11. Ivan Mihailoff and Mihailovism ............ 29
12. Autonomy and Macedonism ................ 32
13. Past Lessons ....................................... 37
14. Progressive Ideas ................................ 39
15. Concluding Remarks ........................... 40
Notes ....................................................... 41

   Territory Lost at Treaty of Berlin ......... 1
   Bulgarian Language and Dialects ......... 9
   Territory Lost at Treaty of Neuilly ..... 26

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