The 12 Black Fridays in the year according to the Old Testament

Friday before St. Theodore’s Day (when Adam was banished from Eden).
Friday before the Annunciation (when Cain killed Abel).
Good Friday (when Christ was nailed to the cross).
Friday before the Holy Ghost (the Agaryans captured Alexandria).
Friday before the Nativity of John the Baptist (the seizure of Jerusalem).
Friday before St. Petka’s Day (God sent Egypt frogs and turned the water in the rivers into blood).
Friday before the Assumption (the night of Gedeon’s victory).
Friday before Seknovenie (Irod killed John the Precursor).
Friday before the Holy Cross Day (the seizure of Sodom).
Friday after the Holy Cross Day (Moses split the Red Sea and took over the Israelites).
Friday before St. Andrew’s Day (on this day God’s Angel appeared to Moses).
Friday after Christ’s Nativity (King Irod started the massacre of the infants).



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